Realtime LCDZ

Thanks to modern networking technology and the result of archiving process, we make it possible to directly load bonzomatic glsl from lcdz's pages.

  • Download latest version of Bonzomatic
  • Run it as grabber with following parameters
    • Server:
      or for ssl
    • Room:
    • Nickname:
    • The complete url should looks like
  • Browse Lcdz, click on available '▶️' next otthe source to load it to your bonzomatic


is different on each browser, so check out this page to verify you are using the correct parameters

For the moment, only Bonzomatic shaders that has been archived are available, but other app might be possible in the future.

Some shaders might react on FFT, so try to turn on some music. Some shaders require dedicated texture, you need to install them first on your bonzomatic instance

Sometime, bonzomatic DNS resolution is not working, you can replace the hostname by the ip